
American Independence Day!

By Kelli Jones, Macaroni Kid publisher Androscoggin County, Maine July 4, 2021

Happy 4th of July Macaroni Kid Families! 

Independence Day for me is surrounded in emotion. Pride, respect, admiration, honor, and reverence is some of what I experience on and around July 4th. I think of the lives sacrificed so that we could be our own free nation, under God, founded in liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness. I think of “The American Dream”….what does that mean for myself and others? My idea of the American dream is having the right to make uninhibited choices, protect myself and my family as I see fit, and live a life pursuing my dreams through hard work and perseverance. Over the years, my dreams have changed but I do not take lightly the freedom I’m afforded to pursue (even as a woman) any path I choose. 

On this July 4th, I find myself on the verge of tears thinking about the lives it cost to keep our country free. I’m thinking of my favorite book, “A Midwife’s Tale; the life of Martha Ballard” by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. The book is Martha Ballard’s diary; a wife, mother, farmer, and midwife in the town we know in Androscoggin County as Winthrop. The diary Martha kept starts 10 years after the American Revolution but the preface regales an account of the then Martha Barton and her sister, Dorothy (Dolly), holding “rebellious” tea parties to discuss the political climate which would result in the American Revolution. She is the grandmother of Clarissa Harlowe Barton, known to us as Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross. The life of Martha resonates so soundly with myself as she was known as a healer and helper in her community. Her accounts of crossing the Kennebec River to deliver babies and help the sick families at any hour is inspirational! Her husband, Ephraim Ballard, a miller on the Kennebec River, was held at Fort Halifax for a time due to being thought to be a loyalist during the Revolution. Through all their trials and hardships, Martha continued to raise her children, tend her gardens, deliver babies, and heal those around her. Martha’s life is a reminder of the hard work and perseverance it took to establish the towns and communities we live in today. 

This Independence Day, think of the people and families who lived before us. Think of the goals and dreams they had that paved the way for our parades, fireworks, family gatherings, and celebrations held on this memorable day! 

America the great! America the beautiful! America the free!