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My Dream Pet Rollie by Moose Toys - Sponsored Advertising Content

By Laurie Corbett, Publisher, Macaroni Kid South Shore Boston November 21, 2018

My kids really want a pet! It has become a frequent debate in our house between mom and dad, who have enough trouble caring for three kids, and the kids who don't understand the extra work that comes with having a pet. Add to that the guilt that my oldest, a super sweet chocolate lab, has been living with my sister for a few years, dad is allergic to cats, and our house is almost small enough to qualify as a tiny home. A real pet is pretty much out of the question for now, but our two oldest kids vaguely remember a time when our dog lived in our house and when people ask if they have a pet they reply "yes, but he lives at Auntie's house" and the mom guilt sets in again. So, when we were offered the chance to have a My Dream Puppy Rollie by Moose Toys move in I knew I had to say yes! 

From the moment they met My Dream Puppy Rollie, my kids were in love, and I don't just mean the play with a toy for a day or two kind of love, but really in love. They had several long debates over his name before finally settled on Bob before making it official on the included Adoption Certificate. Ever since Bob has been involved in our daily life. He has his own dog bed despite usually ending up in one of the kids' beds at night, traveled to Nana's house for a visit, is read to, fed, snuggled with and included in everything. He is so soft, sweet and interactive responding to several touchpoints on his body that real dogs respond to that even I can resist cuddling with him when I get the chance! He wags his tail, gives kisses (without all the slobber), sleeps when you lay him on his side or back (complete with dreams and occasional puppy snores 💤), and has a few secret phrases that he says when special attention is paid to his whimpering. 

I know it sounds silly since My Dream Puppy Rollie is a toy but Bob has really become a member of our family - and the best part for me is I don't have to fed or clean up after him - but he's teaching my kids important pet nurturing skills for a time when we are ready for one. My Dream Puppy Rollie is part of the Little Live Pets line from Moose Toys learn more at