
A Note from the Publisher

A New and Improved Macaroni Kid

By Kayt DeMerchant, Publisher January 16, 2017

I wanted to take a moment this week to highlight some of the changes you now see on Macaroni Kid’s website and e-newsletters. We have a bright, modern look but that’s not all that has changed. We are always striving to improve our site to help you best find your family fun!

First, the weekly email: Each week I will be sharing several great articles and my top 10 (or so) event picks for the week. Our site will have TONS more on it—just like always. More articles, more events, more everything. So be sure to head over there to check everything out.

Second, the calendar: It looks a little different. Right now we don't have the monthly calendar view that our old site did, but that doesn’t mean those events aren't there. They are! One of the things I love about our new site is the ability to search for events by date and category. This makes finding events even easier! You can get directly to the calendar here.

Third, our articles: Finding articles that matter most to you also just got easier. Click here for a complete list of all our site's articles, and you can now easily search for them by the categories you love such as crafts, recipes, parenting tips and more.

I really hope you love our new site as much as we do. I appreciate your patience as we work through a few bugs with the new site (we are one of a handful of the 550 plus Macaroni Kid sites participating in Beta testing). Feel free to email me anytime at


Kayt DeMerchant, Publisher